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Exo Anti Bacterial - Dish Wash Scrub, 10 g
Available in- 10g
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Utensil Cleansers
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About the Product
Exo Bactoscrub is an Antibacterial Dishwash scrubber that prevents bacterial growth on scrubbers. Consumer researches show that an ordinary scrubber can have more bacteria than a toilet seat. Since scrubber gets directly in touch with utensils, the bacteria on scrubber spreads to more utensils. Consumer tends to experience the bacteria as Malodour.
Exo Bactoscrub because of being antibacterial reduced Malodour by 94.2% Longer Life: The scrub pack is thicker and denser as a result cleans better and laster longer Cleans Better: Exo Bactoscrub has ALOX coating on both sides thereby cleaning the utensil better.
How to Use
• Wet Exo Safai scrub pad under water and then use with dishwashers.
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